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Keep your accounts safe! An urgent warning from BTCNEXT

Keep your accounts safe! An urgent warning from BTCNEXT

It has recently come to our attention that certain suspicious letters have been sent to our users’ mailboxes.

We received messages from 2 of our users who were sent letters containing an offer to exchange Bitcoin for Bitcoin Cash.

The letters were sent from fake mail accounts. After pressing the ‘Claim’ button, antivirus software is activated. We have therefore deduced that these letters are a scam aimed at stealing users’ important data.

How does the fraud work?

Email fraud is intended for personal gain and to damage another person.

Fraud usually works in the following way:

  1. Creation of fake accounts on the platform they send mails from.
  2. Writing a convincing email on behalf of the company/site where users have a registered account. The fraudsters create an advantageous offer or a request for help that convinces users to click on a button.
  3. Gathering email data belonging to the company, using different hacking methods.
  4. Creating different mailings to phish for data.

Usually, fraudsters use the ‘Click on’ button or another attractive notification to make sure the user clicks on it ASAP.

How to make sure your account won’t be hacked

  1. Do not respond to suspicious emails.
  2. Make sure your email is kept safe. Create a separate email for the exchange registration and make sure you launch the two-factor authentication, in case the account is hacked.
  3. Always use a spam filter.
  4. DO NOT CLICK ON ANY BUTTONS OR LINKS contained in suspicious emails.
  5. Read the letter attentively for spelling errors. If you see any – it is 99% a fraud.
  6. In case you have doubts about the letter, contact BTCNEXT official support for help. 

BTCNEXT Management is convinced that self-education is the key to safe and successful use of the platform. We will do everything in our power to provide our users with all the necessary educational information to ensure they know what to do in case of a digital emergency. Be safe and stay safe!

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