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How to register on Fortmatic. A detailed manual.

How to register on Fortmatic. A detailed manual.

Fortmatic is a hot wallet that enables users to use decentralized applications (dApps) and to access tokens from an Ethereum address. Fortmatic uses a phone number or email address as authentication. You don’t need any extensions or seed phrases to start using this wallet.

How to use Fortmatic.

  1. To start using Fortmatic, we’ll take the example of Uniswap and begin by opening the Fortmatic-compatible dApp there. 
  1. Click on ‘Connect to a wallet’.
  1. Choose Fortmatic in the pop-up window.
  1. Wait for the initializing process to finish.
  1. You’ll receive a notification from the dApp. Click on ‘Continue’.
  1. Enter the email or phone number you’d like to use as your Fortmatic login.
  1. Click on ‘Sign up’.
  2. Enter the 6-digit code that was sent to your  email address or phone.
  1. Create a password for your new account. Use both letters and numbers to make it more secure.
  1. Click on ‘Sign up’ again.
  2. That’s it! You’re logged in!     

Read more guides on wallet management and how to get additional profit with your NOAHP in our detailed guides.

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